Dr. Penelope Pynes
As a former Associate Provost for International Programs, Dr. Penelope Pynes led the internationalization efforts at UNCG. Since 1995, she has worked to promote student/faculty exchange at UNCG and in the state. She piloted the Baden-Württemberg state-to-state program, which led to the establishment of UNC’s system-wide exchange program housed at UNCG. In 2005, she represented the UNC system in an administrative exchange at the Ministry of Science and Arts in Baden-Württemberg. Penelope facilitates diversity and intercultural workshops on and off campus to prepare faculty and students for successful experiences abroad. She is a former Fulbright scholar to Heidelberg, Germany, and was awarded a Rotary Club Study Exchange Scholarship to Norway. She earned her master’s degree from the University of Alabama and a doctorate in Germanic linguistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.